Nursing and Management Skills

Nursing and management skills are a broad field that an individual could practice a lot. This entails the inner fulfillment that goes beyond attaining the Bachelor’s degree in nursing. There are more things one ought to do to add to her/his academic qualification. For instance, it is necessary to join the nursing groups and organizations as they will add to the acquired knowledge from the school of nursing. The hunch to continue practicing nursing is an added advantage as it propels one forward to do their best in treating patients. It is also professional for a person to be updated with the current issues so that people can update themselves with the current trends in nursing (American Nurses Association, 2010). The nursing practitioners may, however, face some challenges in the essence of joining the American Association of Critical Nurses. For instance, the association may need experienced nurses, which makes it hard to contribute towards the progress of the association.

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Career Planning

This field requires a nursing mentor to do the things that will help a career grow. For instance, it means helping and mentoring nursing students and residents to help them grow. This is a helpful task as it will help to put into practice what is learned at school. The major strength in mentorship is the growth of one’s career, as well as people looking upon a person as their role model. These mentees may prove very effective during the mentorship classes; therefore, it gives a person the fulfillment he wants in his career. One is always content whenever he sees himself helping others; moreover, other people try to become like the person or even better in the same career. However, the aim to mentor other nursing students and residents may be cumbered with a load of extreme need for resources. These resources entail the teaching or demonstration equipment, as well as resources that may not be readily available. The nursing mentor also needs to do his practice and take care of patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) condition. This means that more education is required to know how to handle patients with this delicate condition. One element of acquiring such knowledge is by spending time with the patients and learning from other nurses and doctors on heart conditions. It is important to know how to take care of such patients while giving them hope of life, as well as supporting their families emotionally.

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Personal Journey Disciplines

Nursing practice is a field where a nursing practitioner works to acquire leadership skills. This is a discipline that comprises several other skills that tend to accompany leadership skills. For instance, communication skills in any organization are very essential. They help to effectively interact with others. A strength in this field is the acquisition of diverse skills like attending to other people in urgency. Being made in charge of the nursing students will help a person to direct and teach others how to handle patients (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2011). This will also help to interact with peers and learn from them the best tactics of teaching others. This aids in decisions and improves a nursing mentor's management skills. On the other hand, these tasks may be too many on his side, therefore making him less effective. For instance, the fact that a person is a manager in a certain department of mentoring other student nurses and residents may make a nursing mentor less active in the other curative roles in the hospital. To some extent, there is too much workload on some of these managerial posts. It makes the workload, which may cause a person to be too tired to think at the end of a working day.

Reflective Practice Reference Behavior

This is the evaluation of personal actions and thoughts and how they have influenced his behavior in the nursing practice. With 13 years of nursing practice, this medical practitioner has developed several experiences that are considered as strengths, for example, personal integrity, empathy towards others, as well as skills on personal improvement. There are weaknesses as well, which include having to balance time for his things and work-related tasks. This also includes his mistakes that could be used as a platform for improvement.

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Application of Skills to Advocate for Change

Through being in a managerial position, he can apply the skills to bring change in the field of nursing. The interaction with other leaders from other associations will also help him provide an evidence-based change. More so, an individual’s scientific assumption also depicts awareness of self and environment as rooted in thoughts and emotions. The scientific assumption also shows that he will be capable of making decisions and are responsible for the integration of inventive procedures (World Health Organization, 2011). Through thoughts and emotions that arbitrate human actions, the system of change will depict the relationship of the scientific application that includes recognition, defense, and developing interdependence.

Goals for Leadership Growth

This will require advancement in his education as well as starting the Congestive Heart Failure association in the nursing homes. This is creating a team that will catapult the care that is needed to treat all the patients with this disease. The idea of post-discharge follow-up is also a requirement in the development of leadership goals. This is because some patients sometimes get worse after being discharged from the hospital since they don’t follow the guidelines on how to take medication. This may have its weaknesses due to a lack of cooperation from team members or even the patients.


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